Small Business Ideas for 17-Year-Olds

Small Business Ideas for 17-Year-Olds

Starting a small business at a young age can be an exciting and rewarding venture. It not only provides an opportunity to gain valuable entrepreneurial skills but also allows 17-year-olds to earn some extra income and explore their interests. With a bit of creativity and determination, there are several small business ideas that are well-suited for teenagers. In this article, we will explore some lucrative and feasible business ideas for 17-year-olds.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Tutoring Services
  3. Social Media Management
  4. Handmade Crafts and Products
  5. Babysitting or Pet Sitting
  6. Lawn Care and Gardening Services
  7. Event Planning Assistance
  8. Personalized Gift Creation
  9. Graphic Design Services
  10. Reselling Online
  11. Conclusion
  12. FAQs


At the age of 17, many teenagers possess skills and interests that can be transformed into profitable small businesses. It’s important to choose a business idea that aligns with personal passions and strengths. By leveraging their talents and utilizing the power of digital platforms, 17-year-olds can successfully establish and grow their own small businesses.

An academic tutor is an easy business idea for teens because it does not require any capital or other human resources. A 17-year-old can use his literary skills to provide pay someone to do my exam, for customers.

Tutoring Services

If you excel in a particular subject or have strong academic skills, offering tutoring services can be a great business idea. Many students and parents are willing to pay for extra help and personalized attention. Whether it’s math, science, language, or any other subject, you can advertise your services online, create study materials, and conduct tutoring sessions either in person or virtually.

Social Media Management

In today’s digital era, social media has become an integral part of businesses marketing strategies. If you have a knack for social media and are well-versed in platforms like Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter, you can offer social media management services to small businesses or individuals. This involves creating engaging content, managing accounts, and helping clients build a strong online presence.

Handmade Crafts and Products

If you have a talent for creating handmade crafts or products, you can turn it into a small business. Whether it’s jewelry, artwork, home decor items, or personalized gifts, there is a market for unique handmade goods. You can sell your creations through online platforms like Etsy, create your own website, or participate in local craft fairs and markets.

Babysitting or Pet Sitting

Babysitting or pet sitting is a classic small business idea for teenagers. Many parents and pet owners are in need of reliable and responsible individuals to take care of their children or pets while they are away. By offering your services, you can earn income while providing valuable assistance to busy families. Make sure to build trust and credibility by acquiring necessary certifications, such as CPR training for babysitting.

Lawn Care and Gardening Services

If you enjoy spending time outdoors and have basic knowledge of lawn care and gardening, you can offer your services to neighbors and community members. This can include mowing lawns, weeding gardens, planting flowers, or even designing small outdoor spaces. You can market your services through local community bulletin boards, social media, or word-of-mouth referrals.

Event Planning Assistance

Assisting with event planning is another business idea that can capitalize on your organizational skills and attention to detail. Many individuals and organizations host events but require assistance in managing various aspects such as venue selection, vendor coordination, or logistics. By offering your event planning services, you can help clients execute successful events while gaining valuable experience in the industry.

For example, students do search for different websites to get assistance with their academics. Agencies like My Exam Help offers services like help with online class, that is, assistance with assignments, exams, etc.

Personalized Gift Creation

Personalized gifts have become increasingly popular, as people seek unique and meaningful presents for their loved ones. If you have artistic skills or enjoy crafting, you can create customized gifts such as engraved jewelry, personalized stationery, or handmade photo albums. You can market your creations through social media, online marketplaces, or by establishing partnerships with local gift shops.

Graphic Design Services

If you have a flair for design and possess skills in graphic design software, you can offer graphic design services to individuals and businesses. This can include creating logos, designing marketing materials, or producing digital content. Establishing an online portfolio and promoting your services through social media or freelance platforms can help you attract clients and showcase your creativity.

Reselling Online

With the rise of e-commerce platforms, reselling has become a viable small business idea. You can source products from thrift stores, garage sales, or wholesale suppliers and resell them at a higher price on platforms like eBay or Depop. This business requires research and knowledge of market trends to identify profitable products. It can be a great way to learn about entrepreneurship, marketing, and customer relations.


Starting a small business at the age of 17 can be an enriching experience, allowing teenagers to develop valuable skills and earn income. The key to success lies in choosing a business idea that aligns with personal interests and strengths. Whether it’s offering tutoring services, creating handmade crafts, or providing social media management, there are numerous opportunities for 17-year-olds to explore their entrepreneurial spirit and embark on a rewarding business journey.


Q1: Do I need any special licenses or permits to start these small businesses as a 17-year-old?

The requirements for licenses and permits may vary depending on your location and the nature of your business. It’s important to research and comply with any legal obligations, such as obtaining permits for operating certain types of businesses or adhering to specific regulations for childcare services.

Q2: How can I market my small business as a 17-year-old?

Utilize online platforms and social media to promote your small business. Create a professional website or social media profile to showcase your products or services. Additionally, word-of-mouth referrals and participating in local community events can help raise awareness about your business.

Q3: How can I manage my small business while balancing schoolwork and other commitments?

Time management is key when running a small business as a teenager. Create a schedule that allows you to allocate dedicated time for your business while ensuring you can fulfill your academic responsibilities and other commitments. Prioritize tasks and seek support from family and friends when needed.

Q4: Can I expand my small business in the future?

Absolutely! As you gain experience and your business grows, you can explore opportunities for expansion. This may involve hiring additional help, diversifying your product or service offerings, or targeting a broader customer base. Stay open to learning and adapting as you navigate the journey of entrepreneurship.

Q5: What should I do if my small business idea doesn’t work out?

Failure is a natural part of entrepreneurship, and it’s essential to view it as a learning experience. If your initial business idea doesn’t work out as expected, assess the reasons behind it and identify areas for improvement. You can either pivot your business model or explore new ideas that align with your skills and interests.

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